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Arrival/Dismissal Procedures


Staff members open the arrival doors from 8:05  - 8:15 AM for students to enter the building. Valet drop off will take place on Land Place.  Please DO NOT park on Land Place in the valet area.  This will be a “drop and go” only. 
**We need your help- please volunteer to assist on Land Place from 8:05 - 8:15 AM.  Please contact the PTA if you are able to assist.  
At 8:15 AM, instruction will begin.  All exterior building doors will be locked beginning at 8:15 AM.  Parents may not accompany their children into the building unless you are attending a scheduled appointment. After the first week of school, if students arrive at their classroom after 8:15 AM, they will be marked late. If a student is attending an early morning program, such as the breakfast program or music instruction, she or he is permitted to enter the building prior to 8:05 AM and should enter through the main entrance.  

School Crossing Guards are placed at the following locations:
  • Land Place and Oceanside Road
  • Second Street and Waukena Avenue
  • Windsor Parkway and Oceanside Road
  • Waukena Avenue and Oceanside Road
Arrival Locations:
  • Grades 5 & 6 - Front South Entrance
  • Grades 3 & 4 - Front Main Entrance
  • Grades 1 & 2 - Land Place Doors
  • Bus students will be escorted through the main entrance of our building.
In order to reduce density in the halls at the end of the school day, we will continue with a staggered dismissal.
Please arrange with your older children to meet their younger siblings outside at the youngest child’s dismissal area.  Be sure to let teachers know if siblings are responsible for each other at dismissal time.

Dismissal Locations:
  • Grade 6 2:55 PM Front South Entrance
  • Grade 5 2:55 PM Land Place Doors
  • Grade 4 2:59 PM Front North Entrance
  • Grade 3 2:59 PM Front Main Entrance
  • Grades 1 & 2 3:03 PM Gym Doors/Blacktop
Classroom teachers will only dismiss students when they have seen the adult attending to pick up has arrived.  
All changes in dismissal plans must be in writing and submitted to the classroom teacher in advance. If there is an emergency, and a change in dismissal occurs during the school day please contact the main office as soon as possible at (516)678-7581 or by emailing Mrs. Beth Pantaleo at  
Parents signing out their child(ren) during the school day for early dismissal must do so at the front desk. Parents are asked to produce Identification. Unless we have been specifically directed by the parent to release child(ren) to some other designated person, children will only be released to parent/guardians.
Children attending JCC or using regular bus transportation will meet at an announced location and will be escorted to their buses.  Our CARES Program will be located at School #4 for the 21-22 school year.