Welcome to South Oceanside Road Elementary School #4
"The Small School with a Big Heart"
Our School Mantra
"Be brave, be kind, work hard." At School #4, we promote a growth mindset in our students, that whatever they cannot currently do, they can work towards. Not "I can't," but "I will.....with more practice." Accepting challenges, treating others well, and doing one's best are behaviors that can build positive character traits.
School 4 Art Gallery
Hummingbird Post
Golden Spatula Award
The Golden Spatula Award Goes To:
Team work makes the dream work
Teamwork Makes the Dream Work
1- Picture retake day
5-No school- Supt Conferance Day
6-Special BOE Metting- 7:30pm
11-No school
20- BOE Meeting at school #6 7:30 pm
25- Ashokan
26- Ashokan
28- No school
29- No school
School 4 Library
November Book of the Month
Gratitude is My Superpower
by Alicia Ortego
Little Betsy will learn that happiness is made up of simple things in life, both small and big. With the help of the magic stone, she will begin to feel gratitude for her parents, friends, and toys. But what happens when little Betsy forgets to use the magic of her stone? She will realize that the power of gratitude is hidden in her heart!
Denis Yoshuvayev, an OHS senior, took his seat on the Board of Education on October 9, as the first non-voting student member.
Dr. Nina Weisenreder has been given the Gil Trachtman Leadership Award by the New York Association of School Psychologists. She is the coordinator of the OHS Wellness Center and has been a school psychologist at OHS for over 20 years.
Parents, you're invited to register and join the conversation. On January 7 & 13, we'll discuss the issues facing our teens in the digital age and how to help them thrive.
Joseph LaTorre, who teaches English Language Arts at Oceanside Middle School, has been named a New York State English Council Educator of Excellence.
OHS students have been inducted into three honors societies in the past six weeks, including the brand new National English Honor Society.
Congratulations to former School #8 students Santiago, Alexis, Samantha, and Kai, now 8th graders at OMS, for their winning podcast in NPR's national student podcast challenge.
Oceanside Events
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